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El Bohío boletín electrónico (ISSN 2223-8409) es una publicación bilingüe de frecuencia mensual, distribuida a solicitud. Es elaborado para informar de manera directa y actualizada sobre temas del medio ambiente marino, cambio climático, zona costera, ecología y novedades en las tecnologías afines, entre otros. El grupo editor está conformado por un grupo de personas y autores, de formación investigadores y especialistas de diferentes países, como México, Costa Rica, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela y Argentina, que sin fines de lucro pretenden poner a sus disposición una herramienta útil y de consulta para el libre flujo de ideas, reflexiones y transmisión de información sobre los océanos y la zona costera, elaborando, recopilando, mostrando temas y contactos, eventos, convocatorias para conocer los avances sobre medio ambiente y vida acuática, tanto en ámbitos académicos, comerciales como en los públicos.

The COMET Program


The COMET Program is pleased to announce the publication of the new lesson, "Primary Influences on Water Temperature for Inland Streams". The temperature of inland streams, rivers, and reservoirs affects aquatic wildlife, riparian vegetation, and infrastructure. There are a number of interrelated variables that drive water temperatures that are related to both natural processes and human-induced changes to the watershed. Anticipating the impact of these water temperature drivers is an important part of planning for climate change. This lesson highlights studies, mainly in the northwestern U.S., that describe the relationship between recent climatic changes and the response in rivers and streams.

This 30-minute lesson is a prerequisite part of The COMET Program’s instructor-led course, Water Temperature Impacts Under Climate Change, which is sponsored by the Climate Change and Water Working Group (http://www.ccawwg.us/), with specific funding from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Although it is part of this larger effort, the lesson will be useful as a standalone lesson for those working in the fields of climate change and water temperature. Please follow this link to the MetEd description page that provides additional information and a link to begin the lesson: Primary Influences on Water Temperature for Inland Streams https://www.meted.ucar.edu/training_module.php?id=1081.

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We welcome any comments or questions you may have regarding the content, instructional approach, or use of this lesson. Please e-mail your comments or questions to Matt Kelsch (kelsch@ucar.edu).


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